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Welcome to the Freedom Kit Bags Blog

We are all very excited and delighted to have our wonderful new website up and running. HURRAH! BIG THANKS to our sponsors – Allison Davies and designer/creative director Tim Sokell of Sokell Design, without them, their kindness, support, hand-holding and indeed, inspiration, we still would not have one, so, again, our thanks. Creating this website has been a steep learning curve for us, for me, even though I am used to writing in all sorts of mediums. It has been a useful exercise to really think about what we want to say and plan for what we want to do. Since we started work on it things have grown apace and we are now well on our way to 1,000 FKBs having been distributed in capital city, small town and very rural Nepal. These have included village women and school girls: female teachers and male teachers’ wives: orphans: female Scout Leaders and girl scouters: women cleaners in Kathmandu hotel: street-sellers in Thamel: cleaning and cooking ladies in Jiri Health Centre: nurses in Charikot hospital: patients at Charikot hospital: village health workers: women in a women’s refuge: and the poor victims of the latest extensive floods. Quite an achievement in just 8 months and a good lot of it without us actually being there in Nepal. It just goes to show we can make it happen – with the help of our wonderful partners and friends. Which brings me nicely on to our Partners and what a great bunch they are – Exodus Travels have sponsored a great number of the FKBs and Health Partnership Nepal and Dr Archana K C and Dr Binod Dangal have helped with their distribution and Public/Sexual Health Education. Without the inspirational women’s activist and entrepreneur Beni (Rani Gale) none of this would have happened and without the hand-holding and guidance of Prakash Lamichanne we would have floundered many times. Cannot wait to share our numerous stories, ups-and-downs and achievements with you, and to pass yours on as well, so… keep in touch … and we will too. Promise.

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